The AUDA-NEPAD was established in 2010 to integrate the then New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) into African Union (AU) structures and processes. In 2019, NEPAD became the African Union Development Agency. AUDA-NEPAD is the Secretariat for AFR100.
The agency advocates for AUDA-NEPAD, and facilitates and coordinates the development of AUDA-NEPAD continent-wide programs and projects. It also mobilizes resources, as well as engages the global community, regional economic communities and member states to implement programs and projects. These address issues including the economic and social exclusion of youth, industrialization, infrastructure and trade, as well as natural resources governance and food security.
In its capacity as AFR100 Secretariat, AUDA-NEPAD mobilizes and sustains political support, and facilitates investment, coalition building, knowledge management, monitoring and reporting. It also liaises with regional economic communities (RECs).
AUDA-NEPAD began in 2001 as an economic development program of the AU, to accelerate economic cooperation and integration among African countries.
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