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Last Updated
May 2023
1 Mha
Committed Area to Restore by 2030
36 %
Forest Cover

Zolho Roberto
AFR100 Focal Point, Mozambique

Our Approach


Steps to Success

Stakeholder involvement

Stakeholders include people and relevant organizations that directly or indirectly affect or be affected by an FLR initiatives in Mozambique. Four broad stakeholder groups are local communities, governments, private sector parties, civil society organizations, private sector and academia. The process of designing and implementing FLR brings these stakeholders together as equal partners to negotiate mutual interests and collaborative partnerships.

A coordinating mechanism/platform

The government and its partners has put in place a FLR cross-sectorial task force that includes ministries, private sector, CSOs, NGOs etc. The task force coordinates all the efforts and progress on forest landscape restoration across the country and at catchment levels. Every year, the national FLR task force meets and discuss the core issues related to FLR and livelihoods. Most importantly, they discuss the level of degradation, initiatives of land restoration and challenges, coordination and progress in implementation.

Capacity building

For Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) to be mainstreamed into existing national policies, land use programs and monitoring technologies, there is a need of promotion and development of related expertize in government institutions, private sector and civil society organizations. The concepts of Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) should be mainstreamed in short and long term education trainings and awareness sessions.


Partnerships in forest landscape restoration initiative is very important in order to achieve the commitments and to move forward together. FLR is implemented by many stakeholders in different landscapes with the common objective. The cross-sectorial task force was set to coordinate partnership among the stakeholders and this improves commitments and implementation by stakeholders. Mozambique is a country with strong collaboration among development partners, FLR stakeholders and communities. It is believed that with this partnership, collaboration and synergy for FLR implementation, the targets will be achieve by 2030. 

Key Milestones

Mozambique - National Action Programme



Our Vision


Mozambique envisions to restore 100% of its degraded lands by 2030 and promote sustainable land use that contributes to the improvement of its people's living conditions.

Priority Interventions: 

  • Mapping of degraded forest land
  • Establishment of forest nurseries
  • Restoration of degraded forest land
  • Community forest management
  • Biodiversity offset
  • Sustainable charcoal production
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