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Last Updated
May 2023
1.4 Mha
Committed Area to Restore by 2030
9 %
Tree Cover
28 Projects
Ongoing Restoration Projects

Mahamat Hassane
AFR100 Focal Point

Our Approach


Steps to Success

Stakeholder involvement

The Government will thus enable stakeholders to contribute to the restoration of landscapes within fragile ecosystems. The LDN is fully aligned with national land management strategies, in that it aims to reduce and reverse trends in desertification, land degradation and biodiversity loss, which will improve productivity and food security while preserving the natural resources that support agro-ecological and environmental production. This is of course only the beginning of the process, and to guarantee its sustainability, financial and technical support should also be provided over time. To this end, the strategy has been to involve the stakeholders who operate in these landscapes at all stages.

Civil and private society have an interest in engaging in this participatory process, bringing together all the representatives of the main users and managers with their partners in order to guarantee the support and participation of all stakeholders without reservation. They must play the important role that better integrates local interrelationships in order to bring out synergies between all the types of programs that are deployed within the forest landscape in question.

A coordination mechanism/platform

From the outset, the national working group set up has well-defined responsibilities to organize coordination workshops and support the implementation of National Voluntary Targets and Strategies for Land Degradation Neutrality. The multidisciplinary team (working group) set up to conduct this planning is led by the General Directorate for the Environment, including the ministries responsible for the environment, agriculture and sustainable land management, representatives of NGOs , civil society, private society and communities in general.

The coordination of the mechanism will be at the level of the decentralized entities: Sub-prefectural, Departmental, Regional and National; which will allow the implementation and monitoring of activities to be included in the decentralization process and thus bring it closer to the people. Local authorities will call, as the case may be and according to the availability of the requested expertise, to the decentralized services of the State, to NGOs, POs, companies and private consulting firms for support and advice.

Capacity Building

In the field of capacity building of actors (training, awareness and communication), rural volunteers are chosen and trained so that they become trainers, finally to arouse the motivation and the active participation of the populations, to sensitize and animate the rural populations on all the technical themes of protection and restoration of degraded lands and landscapes. Technicians popularize farming techniques, create a communication network and pastoral and rangeland management units.


The implementation of LDN in Chad requires the development of partnerships and synergies likely to maximize the various actions identified at the global level and at the level of the pilot sites. All relevant stakeholders are mobilized to support the initiative and its activities defined as part of the implementation of land neutrality in Chad. In addition, to avoid LDN difficulties in its implementation and guarantee real sustainability of the actions, the following points should be borne in mind: (1) Local know-how must be valued within the framework of the implementation of actions; (2) Each region must have its local development plan which will enable the actions to be carried out; (3) The transfer of responsibilities and finances to the communities must be a constant throughout the period of implementation of the planned actions in order to facilitate the sustainability of the actions; (4) The involvement of women and young people in all activities from implementation to evaluation and (5) The availability of financial resources for the implementation of several activities proposed to achieve LDN in Chad from here 2040.

Key Milestones

Chad committed to restoring 1.4 million hectares of degraded land by 2030
Key Milestones

Our Vision

Chad has the vision to overcome the challenge that threaten  its benchmarks of sustainable development. Taking into account the recommendation of the LDN project, Chad has between 5 and 25 years, i.e. from 2020 to 2040, to achieve land degradation neutrality.

AFR100, Africa's locally led land restoration movement, is entering its second phase. Learn about the key techniques people use to restore their land.
AFR100, Africa's locally led land restoration movement, is entering its second phase. Learn about the key techniques people use to restore their land.
Watch the video

How Are People In Africa Restoring Their Landscapes?

AFR100, Africa’s locally led land restoration movement, is entering its second phase. Learn about the key techniques people use to restore their land.


1 Resource
in Chad

Le Tchad se dote d’une «vision 2030» et plans quinquennaux
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