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Last Updated
May 2023
24 %
Forest Cover
0.5 Mha
Committed area to restore by 2030
13 Project
Active Restoration Projects

Lieutenant-Colonel Abdoul Razack ADJIBI OUALIOU
AFR100 Focal Point, Benin

Projects in Benin

Our Approach


Steps to Success

Leverage opportunity

Achieving Land Degradation Neutrality in Benin is fundamentally based on the opportunities that are offered today and which it must seize with serenity. These opportunities are of several orders. In the process of defining LDN targets and measures, Benin through the NDT Working Group which includes representatives of Ministries and structures involved in environmental issues in general and especially soil, water and vegetation components, in terms
actions or research, has made progress characterized by:

  • Open manifestation of Benin's commitments and political efforts for Sustainable Land Management at the highest level;
  • The integration of Sustainable Land Management measures in the Strategic Plan for the Development of the Agricultural Sector (PSDSA) and the National Agricultural Investment Plan (PNIA);
  • Communication and exchanges on the establishment or revitalization of internal structures for mobilizing resources for the environment, in particular the National Fund for the Environment and Climate, the National Fund for Agricultural Development, the National Development Fund Forestier (FNDF), the Municipal Development Support Fund (FADeC), and specifically "FADeC Agriculture.

Stakeholder involvement

Through the Ministry of Living Environment and Sustainable Development, the question of Neutrality in terms of Land Degradation comes up regularly in exchanges between the executives of the Technical Departments and the General Directorates. From now on, Benin is committed to achieving the "Zero Degradation" objective by 2030. In this dynamic, all technical and financial partners are associated and invited to make more effort in the orientation of actions aimed at the preservation and land restoration, preservation and restoration of forests. Texts and regulations are now considered to discourage bad land practices in Benin. Land Degradation Neutrality is a process in which the Government of Benin finds a major interest not only to ensure consistency between sectoral policies, but also to strengthen synergies in the implementation of international and regional commitments made by Benin in matters of environmental protection and sustainable development.

The NDT working group is made up of nineteen (19) members from the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries (MAEP): Directorate of Planning and Forecasting (DPP) and National Institute of Research Agriculture of Benin (INRAB); From the Ministry of Living Environment and Sustainable Development: General Directorate for the Environment and Climate (DGEC), General Directorate for Water, Forests and Hunting (DGEFC), National Center for Remote Sensing and Ecological Monitoring (CENATEL), National Fund for Environment and Climate (FNEC), Focal Point UNCCD BENIN; From the Ministry of Planning and Development: Sustainable Development Goal Focal Point; From the Ministry of Mines, Water and Energy: General Directorate for Water; From the German Cooperation; From the United Nations System: United Nations Development Program (UNDP); From the private sector and local communities: Association for the Development of Municipalities of Borgou (ADECOB), Environmental Protection Unit, National Association of Municipalities of Benin (ANCB); and the University and research laboratory.

A coordination mechanism/platform

In Benin, the Minister of the Living Environment and Sustainable Development set up an NDT Working Group which examined the different sources of data available for the definition of the baseline and for the proper execution of the activities and projects identified. At the central administration level, the issues of Land Degradation Neutrality will now be taken into account in all the policy development and implementation process in the Ministries and Directorates concerned. The Ministry of Planning and Development will be responsible for coordinating the consideration of Neutrality in terms of Land Degradation in all policies. At the level of the local administration, the local planning documents, including in particular the Communal Development Plan, the Master Plan for the Development of the Commune (SDAC), the Economic and Social Development Plan (PDES), the urban planning in agglomerated areas, and urban development and subdivision plans will be rigorously followed so that LDN is integrated. At the international level, the Government has also undertaken several actions.

Capacity Building

The actions to be implemented in this context will consist in building the capacities of national structures and human resources for sustainable development in order to fight against land degradation. The Government has also strengthened the agricultural research structures to support efforts to modernize and sustainably intensify agricultural production through the strengthening and large-scale dissemination of green technologies. These measures will be accompanied by effective policies to improve producers' access to fertilizers and the development of irrigated agriculture with a view to combating mining-based agriculture, which is a factor in the impoverishment and degradation of agricultural land.

Apart from efforts to mobilize domestic resources, the Government intends to strengthen Benin's capacity to mobilize external resources, in particular innovative climate financing such as the GEF, the GCF, the Adaptation Fund, the NDT Fund, the for Climate Investment (CIF) as well as the various funds set up by regional banks and institutions such as the African Development Bank (ADB), the West African Development Bank (BOAD), the West African Savanes Foundation (FSOA ), etc.


A partnership initiative implemented by the Secretariat and the UNCCD Global Mechanism with the contribution of the following partners: France, Germany, Luxembourg, Republic of Korea, Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, the European Space Agency, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Global Environment Facility, ISRIC Global Soil Information System, International Union for Conservation of Nature, Joint Center European Commission Research Fellowship, Soil Leadership Academy, United Nations Development Programme, United Nations Environment Program and World Resources Institute.

Key Milestones

Benin committed to restoring 5 million hectares of degraded land by 2030;

Our Vision

Benin's adherence to the LDN National Target Definition Program resulted in the introduction of a communication to the Council of Ministers for government leadership and the integration of SLM into the priorities of the state. Benin is resolutely committed to the LDN vision through the Ministry of Living Environment and Sustainable Development, which has mobilized several ministries and structures concerned around the theme. Benin's vision is to restore 100% of degraded land and desertification by 2030.

Watch the video

Benin: Bilan restauration des écosystèmes mangrove bouche du roy - ONG Eco-Benin

A real natural water filter, the mangrove traps particles that cloud the water in the roots of its forest. On the occasion of the 2021 edition of World Wetlands Day placed under the theme: "Wetlands and Water", the NGO Eco-Benin presents this video which


3 Resources
in Benin

United States Geological Survey – Atlas of Landscapes of West Africa
View website
Factsheet-Forests4Future Benin
Factsheet- Forests4Future Bénin_Français