Reforestation and promotion of plantations and private forests
Strengthening mechanisms for managing and securing protected areas
Restoring the quality of agricultural soils
Rehabilitation of degraded forests
Restoration of degraded lands and ecosystems
Through actions such as reforestation and the promotion of plantations and private forests, the rehabilitation of degraded lands, the protection of forests against wildfires, etc. Togo plans to sustainably restore its degraded ecosystems as well as its semi-arid zones, which are particularly visible in the northern part.
Reforestation and promotion of plantations and private forests
In Togo, private economic operators will also take part in the implementation of the ten-year policy of reforestation of one billion trees. The objective of this approach is to mobilize as many personalities and resources as possible around this commitment to participate in the global effort to combat climate change made by the country. Concretely, it is thus expected that from the next reforestation campaign, each company or private actor undertakes to completely reforest an area that will be defined by mutual agreement.
Strengthening mechanisms for managing and securing protected areas
In accordance with Togo's commitments to strengthen synergies between the implementation of the LDN and the Aïchi Targets. Eligible sites to be established in Togo's national system of protected areas are, among others, Fazao-Malfakassa/Anié, Abdoulaye, Oti-Kéran, Oti-Mandouri, Togodo-Sud, Togodo-Nord, Bayémé, Amou Mono/Tchilla -Monota, Alédjo, Fosse aux lions, to which are added the 2 sacred forests 14 of Assévé and Godjinmé provided that, for each of them, the process of requalification can be undertaken and completed.
Togo has developed its national strategy for the Conservation of Biological Diversity (CBD) accompanied by a National Action Plan in accordance with its commitments under the CBD. The objective pursued is to contribute to substantially reducing the loss of biological diversity and to strengthen the protection of protected areas. However, the progress made in the implementation of the CBD objective and the efforts made as well as the targets reached are far from reducing the rate of loss of biological diversity that the country is facing.
Implementation of innovative measures to improve the system of production and use of wood energy Through the promotion of improved stoves, high-efficiency carbonization furnaces and alternative energies (gas systems, etc.). Improvement of the development and organization of agricultural space and sectors for sustainable agriculture through the creation of agricultural hubs, trade corridors and agricultural development zones planned for sustainable agricultural intensification of priority sectors. Fight against coastal erosion by strengthening synergies with other countries in the West African sub-region for ongoing actions with WAEMU and the World Bank under the West Africa Coastal Areas Management (WACA) program.
Restoring the quality of agricultural soils
Agroforestry using fertilizer trees in Togo is an ancestral agricultural technique that the NGO APAF (Association for the promotion of fertilizer trees, agroforestry and forestry) rediscovered in Togo in 1992 and updated before to offer it to the peasants. In Togo, millions of fertilizer trees (A.F.) are planted each year in the fields of peasant families to fertilize the soil and fight against erosion. Association pour la Promotion des Arbres Fertilitaires de l'Agroforesterie et de la Foresterie (APAF-TOGO) Promotes sustainable agriculture and environmental protection to improve the economic and social well-being of Togolese farmers. APAF-Togo is part of the APAF network, which helps farmers use ancestral agroforestry techniques. APAF-Togo and its farmer partners promote the practice of cash crops such as coffee, cocoa, cashew nuts, etc., or food crops such as bananas, taro and yams, at the shade of large fertilizing trees. Thanks to these techniques, APAF-Togo and its partners have put more than 50,000 hectares under restoration.
Rehabilitation of degraded forests
The Government's ambition is part of the reforestation and landscape restoration system implemented in all the country's prefectures, in conjunction with other flagship systems. These include the National Development Plan 2018-2021, the Strategic Investment Framework for Environmental and Natural Resource Management in Togo (CSIGERN 2018-2022); the national strategy to combat greenhouse gas emissions caused by deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+); and finally the national reforestation program (PNR 2017-2021).
Steps to Success
Develop a National Reforestation Program (NRP) of Togo 2017-2030
Considering the Togo 2030 vision and the PNR which give an important place to the green economy, the management of land and ecosystems, the PNR is programmed from 2017 to 2030, by redirecting all the major afforestation and forest restoration programs in progress or to come to be consistent with the PNR, in an initial phase of 5 years (2017-2021). The following phases (2022-2026 and 2027-2030) will be designed taking into account the results of the ex-post evaluation of phase 1 and its achievements. The strategic objective of the NRP is to contribute to the extension of the coverage forest to 30% of the territory by 2050 and the increase in the productivity of existing forests.
Stakeholder involvement
In Togo, landscape restoration involves several categories of actors, including ministerial departments, civil society, the private sector, local authorities, research structures, professional farmers' organizations, several NGOs and private actors and other actors at the local level, etc. Togo has established a strong NDT working group composed of relevant government ministries/departments, universities, research institutes, civil organizations and the private sector. Working group members advise on relevant LDN policies and activities and integrate the LDN recommendation into ongoing policy initiatives.
A coordination mechanism/platform
The promotion of the sustainable use of land resources and the restoration of landscapes requires the active participation of all categories of actors from a multitude of sectors which, therefore, must also be involved in the implementation of the NDT. As a result, the LDN program appears today as one of the unifying frameworks that can be exploited to the maximum in order to multiply the advantages and gain more efficiency and take advantage of cross-sector synergies. In the context of LDN, dialogue is established between the State, in particular through sectoral ministries, and all the other actors in order to set up a framework for exchanges, coordination and consultations between the various stakeholders for their effective participation. in this process.
Capacity Building
In order to strengthen ongoing efforts, Togo has joined several initiatives, in particular the TerrAfrica partnership platform, the main objective of which is "capacity building and the establishment of a favorable context for the sustainable management management (SLM), restoring degraded landscapes and therefore removing bottlenecks and barriers for better integration and more effective financing of SLM approaches initiated at country level.
The success of the LDN process requires the effective involvement and active participation of all stakeholders. These stakeholders are composed of land users, private service providers, government agencies at national and sub-national levels, national and international research institutes, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), development partners, such as that multilateral and bilateral organizations, etc. Regarding bilateral cooperation, the country will be able to rely on its traditional partners (France, Germany, China, Japan, the United States of America, etc.) while for multilateral cooperation, there are currently several multinational institutions for the financing of many measures identified for LDN (BOAD, ECOWAS, African Union, AfDB, European Union, GEF, World Bank, Agencies of the United Nations system, etc.).
Key Milestones
The National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan - SPANB (2011-2020);
National Investment Program for the Environment and Natural Resources in Togo (PNIERN 2011-2050)
National REDD Strategy
Togo committed to restore 1.4 million hectares of its degraded land by 2030
Second generation national agricultural investment and food and nutrition security program (PNIASAN): 2016-2025;
National Reforestation Program (PNR 2017-2030);
National Forest Inventory
Support Program for the Fight against Climate Change in Togo (PALCC 2017-2021);
National Reforestation Program of Togo 2017-2030;
National Development Plan (PND 2018-2022);
National Development Program (PND 2018-2022);
National Land Degradation Neutrality Target Setting Program (LDNLDP), 2018
10 million seedlings for the national reforestation campaign
Our Vision
Togo has adopted a vision to build a society founded on the basis of harmonious and environmentally friendly economic and social development by 2030. This commits the country to follow a sustainable use of natural resources and restore degraded and deforested land by 2030.