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Republic of the Congo

Last Updated
May 2023
2 Mha
Committed Area to Restore by 2030
33.2 %
Forest Cover

Our Approach


Steps to Success

Stakeholder involvement

In Republic of Congo, stakeholders of Forest Landscape Restoration include any people or organizations that can directly or indirectly affect or be affected by an FLR initiative. Four broad stakeholder groups are Local communities, Governments, Private sector parties, Civil society organizations and academia.  Government stakeholders include ministries and agencies that manage forests, land, water resources and related livelihood issues in the landscape. Their interests can include other sectors such as agriculture, mining and infrastructure. They can be based within the landscape or outside it. NGOs, Development partners and private sector support in resource mobilization and implementation of unground agreed work packages and initiatives.  The Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Academia play a supporting role, often helping communities and local government to achieve FLR goals. Their work ranges from data and research to financing and implementing FLR activities.

A coordinating mechanism/platform

Forest Landscape Restoration programs are coordinated in harmony with relevant government ministries and their partners. A coordination mechanism is led by LDN working group and it’s a combined efforts of different key stakeholders who are together in FLR cross sectorial taskforce responsible of planning, implementation, monitoring and report of FLR activities.

Capacity building

Capacity development actions are very needed for successful implementation of FLR activities, the fact is that so many FLR concepts are not familiar to the current technicians of the sector of environment and natural resources. The Government in collaboration with partners in FLR are jointly working together to develop the required capacities through learning workshops and seminars on FLR, environment and land use management etc. 

Key Milestones

  • Republic of Congo committed to restore 2 million hectares by 2030
Photo: WCS

Our Vision

Republic of Congo aims to reduce land degradation and create a balance between land losses and land restoration activities ( gains) in order bring back land ecological functions by 2030. 

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Un pays forestier qui crée des forêts. Voila ce qui semble paradoxale à première vue. Mais, devant la menace des bouleversements climatiques, l'idée se justifie et faits des émules. en effet, pour prévenir les érosions et autres catastrophes naturelles, l