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Last Updated
May 2023
8.83 %
Forest cover
2.7 Mha
Under restoration
5.1 Mha
Committed area to restore
Photo of George Tarus

George Tarus
AFR100 Focal Point, Kenya

Projects in Kenya

Our Approach


Steps to Success

Stakeholder involvement

Kenya has established a robust working group comprising of relevant government ministries/departments, universities, research institutions, civil organizations and private sector. Members of the working group advice on relevant policies and activities supportive of LDN and proceed to integrate LDN recommendation in ongoing policy related initiatives.

A coordinating mechanism/platform

To oversee the implementation of the LDN targets cross sectors and other entities a coordinating mechanism/ platform will be established to further develop a comprehensive tool for data assembly. The tool will be for use by key stakeholders working on LDN related programs and projects for ease of collecting data for reporting on LDN progress both locally and to the UNCCD. The working group will form the advisory team to the coordinating team.

Land restoration is not the sole responsibility of one agency or ministry, but the responsibility of all of us. Landscapes encompass vast areas and cut across political and social boundaries. Because of this, the County and National government, universities, NGOs, community groups, and the private sector will all need to be involved if we are to reverse the direction of ecosystem degradation and live in a more verdant and productive world.

Capacity building

For LDN to be mainstreamed into existing national land use policies, programs and administration systems there is need to support and promote the development of expertise in government agencies, the private sector and civil society organizations in LDN strategies through targeted short- and long-term courses and awareness creation.


Partnerships in LDN, is key in order to achieve sustained commitment to move forward together and reach a higher common objective. Non-state actors have the advantage of being more independent of political pressures and partnering with government they are well 32 positioned to play an important role in LDN agenda setting, policy development processes and implementation of initiatives.

Key Milestones

Constitution calls for reforesting and maintaining a tree cover of at least 10% of the country

Our Vision

Kenya aims to achieve a balance between anticipated land degradation (losses) and planned positive actions (gains), in order to achieve, at least, a position of no net loss of healthy and productive land by 2030.

Makueni Landscape
Background Image
Watch the video

Makueni County's Restoration Journey

The 75,000-hectare Makuli-Nzaui landscape – located in the Southwest of Kenya’s Makueni County – supplies water to four of lifegiving rivers, the Kaiti, Thwake, Kikuu and Mwilu.


4 Resources
in Kenya

Economic Analysis of Forest Landscape Restoration Options in Kenya
View website
Technical Report on the National Assessment of Forest and Landscape Restoration Opportunities in Kenya 2016
National Landscape Restoration Potential web-atlas
View website
Footage Collection in the Greater Rift Valley-Kenya