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Last Updated
October 2023
76430 Ha
Committed to restore by 2030
15.5 Mha
Of additional grassland savanna to restore
12 %
Tree Cover
Nathalia Nakashona

Nathalia Nakashona
AFR100 Focal Point, Namibia; Senior Conservation Scientist

Projects in Namibia

Our Approach


Steps to Success

Stakeholder involvement

Namibia has involved all the players in landscape restoration, and these include local communities, Governments, Private sector parties, Civil society organizations and academia to boost the implementation of the land degradation neutrality targets. The process of designing and implementing FLR brings these stakeholders together as partners to negotiate mutual collaborative partnerships. 

A coordinating mechanism/platform

A working group was established to anticipate coordination of relevant institutions including ministries and several government, non-government and international technical agencies. Moreover, a work plan and recommendations for future coordination were also produced to validate the road map towards implementation. While FLR inter-sectoral task force was put in place as an organ to support data collection and reporting on FLR progress, the restoration assessment opportunity has undoubtedly been a major influence on the formalization of the Working Group, which is an important step towards improved coordination. The LDN targets provide Namibia with a strong vehicle for fostering coherence of policies and actions by aligning the national LDN targets with measures from the Nationally Determined Contributions and other national commitments.  

Capacity building

Capacity development and training programs have been established to enable relevant stakeholders to improve their knowledge and abilities related to many aspects of forest and landscape restoration. The modules provide access to training programmes, learning courses and other extension materials, and have been developed in the context of the FLR funded projects or programs.  


The LDN implementation requires strong partnerships between government, development partners, civil society organizations and communities. The Government of Namibia has developed Land Degradation Neutrality Report with the support of the UNCCD Secretariat and implemented in partnership with the Joint Research Center of the European Commission and CAP 2100 International. The project was sponsored by the Republic of Korea. The report calls for all the relevant stakeholders to join hands and make efforts for successful implementation of those plans and targets towards land degradation neutrality by 2030. 

Key Milestones

Land Degradation Neutrality National Report and profile

Our Vision

Namibia recognizes the effects of deforestation and land degradation, coupled with climate change and poor land management. In Southern Africa, counteracting these effects is especially important through reforestation and restoration to improve the livelihoods of Namibians. This is critical for people living in rural areas, who are the most vulnerable to climate change impacts. The Government of Namibia is committed to achieve land degradation neutrality by 2030 as compared to 2021 (no net loss). 

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