Integrated and sustainable land management
Rwanda has met a major development milestone in fully completing its land registration process. This was complimented by detailed surveying and mapping exercises, establishment of a use-friendly information portal and strengthened administrative decentralization for enhanced service delivery. Included in these efforts was the development of national and district land use master plans. These are critical to Rwanda’s plans for transforming into a high-income economy with 50% urbanization (MINIRENA, 2017).
To keep the pace and adequately meet LDN targets the administration and management will ensure the following activities are done:
- Updating Rwanda’s National Land Use Master Plan to integrate future climate change and specific actions related to land degradation.
- Update Master plans of secondary cities and other key towns to reflect the ambition to become modern cities and towns. Master plans will be implemented and monitored to ensure sustainable development of cities and towns.
- Mainstream LDN in District land use plans and local urban development plans.