Partnerships for Forests aims to reduce deforestation by catalysing investment in sustainable forests and land use. To attract investment P4F incubate partnerships that offer attractive shared benefits for private sector, public sector and community partners.
Why Partnerships for Forests?
P4F demonstrate how the private sector, public sector and communities can come together to generate attractive shared returns from forests and sustainable land use through investments that can compete with, or even outperform, the prevailing model of deforestation.
How Partnerships for Forests works.
Using a blend of technical assistance and grants (UK Department for International Development.), P4F help selected partnerships move through the stages required to get to market, including idea development, business planning and pilot.
Support could focus on improving a partnership’s business case or financial model, supporting organisational design, or brokering relationships with investors.
Moreover, P4F support partnerships at different levels of maturity, from those that are only ideas through to projects that have already been piloted and are looking to scale up. However, all partnerships should have the potential to deliver impact at scale, either through their own operations or replication elsewhere.