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Second Annual AFR100 Partnership Conference

Tuesday, September 26, 2017
13:00 PM
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
13:00 PM-13:00 PM Europe/Moscow
Tuesday, September 26 - Wednesday, September 27, 2017
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Second Annual AFR100 Partnership Conference: Niamey, Niger

The AFR100 Annual Partner Meeting will take place from September 26-27 in Niamey, Niger.

The meeting will bring together leadership from the Government of Niger, AFR100 focal points from 23 partner countries, restoration champions, private sector operators, and technical partners from around the world.

The Partner Meeting and associated events will:

  • Deepen political will for large-scale restoration
  • Highlight partner countries’ progress and challenges in implementing FLR at large scale
  • Promote south-south dialogue on what constitutes successful restoration (through discussion of AFR100 Voluntary Guidelines)
  • Identify priority activities to accelerate FLR implementation, and approaches to monitor progress