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Global Landscapes Forum Bonn 2019

Friday, June 21, 2019
20:00 PM
Friday, June 21, 2019
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The 2019 annual GLF event (June 22-23) will focus the world’s attention on the fundamental importance of rights to address the current environmental crisis. Linking people to landscapes, the GLF will explore the essential contributions of indigenous peoples, local communities, and rural and indigenous women and youth in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Paris Agreement on climate change, highlighting the transformative role of rights and rights-based approaches for securing a more just, sustainable and prosperous future for all.

GLF Bonn 2019 will leverage the Forum’s platforms to support the widespread adoption of a rights-based approach to sustainability that recognizes and protects rural and indigenous rights and their critical role as nature’s stewards. The GLF aims to make this year a turning point for how rights, traditional knowledge and proposed solutions from the ground are respected, considered and implemented in policy, action and investment cycles globally.

More information here.