African Land
Restoration Projects
Across Africa, people are restoring farms, forests, and pasture through the AFR100 Initiative. The projects highlighted here illustrate how forest and landscape restoration can improve food and water security, create jobs for local people, and help communities adapt to climate change.
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Democratizing Fertilizer Production For Higher Yields In Kenya
Harnessing Technology For Climate-Resilient Farmers in Kenya
Restoring Water and Forests in Kenya’s Makueni County
Agroforestry Reforestation
Repairing Soil Health with Organic Fertilizers in Kenya

Growing Bamboo to Restore Kenya’s Degraded Land
Crafting Charcoal Briquettes From Coconut Husks

Creating Businesses that Restore Kenya’s Drylands
Agroforestry Assisted Natural Regeneration Grassland Restoration Reforestation
Regenerating Kenyan Rangelands with Maasai Herders
Assisted Natural Regeneration Grassland Restoration Silvopasture
Revitalizing Grasslands in Kenya’s Dry Amboseli with Maasai Women
Assisted Natural Regeneration Grassland Restoration
Promoting Harmony Between People and Nature in Kenya
Agroforestry Assisted Natural Regeneration Reforestation
Les femmes kényanes se mobilisent contre la dégradation des terres grâce à l'adoption de pratiques agro-industrielles durables
Women and Young People at the Center of Kenya’s Conservation Journey