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Opportunity for Burundi-based Video Consultants

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World Resources Institute (WRI) is looking for video production consultants (firm or/and individuals) to collect “Before and After” planting aerial and on-ground high quality images and progress footage for its TerraFund for AFR100 landscape restoration projects in the Lake Kivu and Rusizi River Basin in Burundi. The consultant will help capture images/footage to depict the what, why and how of restoration interventions, film and produce a 5 min video and its short version (1.5 min) showcasing how a day looks like for a partner farmer and capture footage and interviews to showcase progress of the on-going projects. Download the Request for Proposal here for more details.

Proposals are due to Gilbert Muvunankiko on June 28, 2024, at 17:00 p.m. GMT. Email final proposal to