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Forest Landscape Restoration Through a Sustainable Wood Energy Value Chain Project

The project seeks to restore forest landscapes jointly with landowners and smallholder farmers in 10 selected charcoal-producing communities in the Savannah and Bono East Regions. The project is funded by a grant from the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety and is jointly implemented by GIZ, IUCN NL, A Rocha, Tropenbos and IUCN Ghana office. Project activities are being undertaken through partnership with key government institutions, mainly the Forestry Commission and Energy Commission. Activities implemented under the project are as follows:

  • Reforestation for sustainable wood energy production on degraded land;
  • Rehabilitation of degraded forest landscapes;
  • Improvement of energy efficiency

Experiences from project implementation are fed into the implementation of the National Climate Change Policy and REDD+ strategy and contribute to the improvement of the framework for sustainable forest management and climate change mitigation in Ghana.
The project has a target of establishing 300 ha of energy woodlots on degraded land and rehabilitation of 700 ha of natural forests and agroforestry areas in 12 selected project.