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The Youth in Afforestation/Reforestation Project (YAP) is a government-funded landscape restoration intervention that involves the engagement of predominantly young people as beneficiaries to undertake rehabilitation of degraded and deforested landscapes nationwide and also support forest protection and management operations. Implementation of the project commenced in April 2018 with the number of beneficiaries reaching about 50,000 by the end of the year. However, there has been a gradual reduction in the number of beneficiaries over the past three years mainly as a result of resignations usually when the beneficiaries obtain employment with other industries/ companies. The total number of beneficiaries as at the end of 2021 was 33,394. The activities undertaken by the YAP beneficiaries in 2021 include amenity planting, taungya, direct planting, enrichment planting, raising of tree seedlings and maintenance of existing plantations. A total area of 5,585.2 ha of forest plantations was established during the reporting period under YAP.