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Green World Ventures (GWV) is establishing a "regenerative food industry” in Nigeria, based on cultivation and processing of moringa oleifera, a fast-growing (harvestable in four to five months) drought-tolerant, high-protein tree-crop.

GWV is melding the power of a "big food" supply chain with smallholder eco-agriculture, first by cultivating and exporting high-protein moringa leaf-powder as a bulk ingredient. Principals include the former head of global operations and R&D for Kraft Foods; the president of the Nigerian Commercial Farmers Assn.; university departments and institutes in the U.S. and Africa; and a U.S. Chinese protein company.

Phase II will involve producing everyday local goods like bread and flour enriched with high-protein moringa leaf flour for the West African consumer market. Innovative food science will naturally improve the nutrition and flavor-notes. Ancillary products like moringa seed oil and animal fodder will be added to an integrated supply chain whose operations aim to help restore millions of hectares in Africa to ecologically balanced productivity - increasing CO2-absorbing soil organic matter, local food security, and rural income; training more people up the value chain; supporting community-based, biodiverse perennial agriculture; creating climate change resilience, and at scale, mitigation through carbon sequestration in soil organic matter.

A central goal is to bring commodity-level moringa leaf-derived protein ingredients to the global protein supply.

Our award-winning non-profit, the Green World Campaign, focuses on agroforestry and regenerative agriculture in coastal Kenya, using seedbed nurseries to supply communities with 25 biodiverse multi-purpose tree species, teaching permaculture, starting community enterprises, and running 100 Green World School programs. Its slogan is: "ReGreen the World in One Generation!"


Green World Kenya overview
