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Malawi Restoration Championship 2022 - Apply now!

Mardi, Septembre 20, 2022
18:00 PM
Mardi, Septembre 20, 2022
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Malawi Restoration Championship 2022 – Award for successful restoration activities


For registration upload your solution on the PANORAMA platform until 20th of September 2022!

About the Malawi Restoration Championship - The Championship aims to spotlight and celebrate community-based activities in Malawi that are restoring landscapes in order to regain ecological integrity and enhance human wellbeing. The Alliance for Restoration of Forest Landscapes and Ecosystems in Africa (AREECA) represented through the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ GmbH) and the World Resource Institute (WRI) in collaboration with Green Innovation Centres for the Agriculture and Food Sector Malawi are excited to invite nominations for the first Malawi Restoration Championship.

With this award, we will celebrate, honor and support individuals and groups, communities, enterprises or organizations for their effective solutions that contribute to landscape restoration in Malawi in three different categories:

  1. Improved Forest Management in Protected Areas
  2. Improved Agricultural Technologies & Soil and Water Conservation
  3. Community Woodlots & Streambank restoration

For each category one award winner will be selected. The selected Restoration Champions will receive tailored in-kind support, a certificate of achievement, tailored capacity buildings or training opportunities, recognition in the local, national and international context and an invitation to the award ceremony that will take place in mid-September in Malawi. All eligible applications will be published on the PANORAMA – Solutions for a Healthy Planet web platform, allowing a global audience and network to learn from and connect with the applicants.

Application/Nomination process

Who can apply? The Malawi Restoration Championship is designed to recognize outstanding solutions for restoration activities developed and implanted in collaboration with local communities. Therefore, eligible for application are all community-based landscape restoration activities that are taking place in Malawi. All kinds of stakeholders are invited to apply.

Submit your nomination now until 20th of September (self-nominations are accepted) on the PANORAMA web platform, by following these 6 steps:

  1. Register – Please note that to contribute a solution you will first have to register quickly for free on the PANORAMA platform.
  2. Upload a full solution – By clicking on ‘contribute solution’ you will find two templates to upload solutions. Choose the ‘Full Solution’ online entry template. Snapshot solutions are not eligible for the Championship.
  3. Select the PANORAMA Restoration Portal – In the first column ‘Portal’ you will be asked to select a PANORAMA Community, please select ‘PANORAMA Restoration’
  4. Choose your category – To register properly for one of the three categories put one of the following descriptions in the beginning of the summary of your solution: 1.Malawi Championship – Forest Management; 2. Malawi Championship – Agriculture and SWC; 3. Malawi Championship – Woodlots and Streambank
  5. Explain your restoration solution. The following information is critical to the application and should be outlined in detail:
    • Your restoration approach and relevant activities
    • Community-involvement: How have surrounding communities been involved in the planning, implementation, and decision-making of the activities?
    • Impact of your solution: in terms of improved land management; contribution to nature conservation outcomes; socio-economic benefits for involved communities; information on beneficiaries
    • Innovation and Sustainability of your approach
  6. Submit the full description of your restoration innovation as a draft on the PANORAMA platform.

Applications will only be considered if all of these steps have been completed.

If you are unable to access the online nomination form or if you need further information, please contact us at

Documents (Downloads)

details malawi restoration championship, pdf (5.54 MB)

mrc logo (1.36 MB)