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Last Updated
May 2023
21.7 %
Forest cover
236 Kha
Under restoration
2 Mha
Committed area to restore

AFR100 Focal Point, Ghana

Projects in Ghana

Our Approach


Steps to Success

Stakeholder involvement

Ghana has put in place the Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) Working Group which has a multidisciplinary and multi-stakeholder national and global organization with a mandate to steer the LDN target setting process and promote LDN mainstreaming and implementation. The working group is made of various stakeholders including Government institutions (universities and research institutions), Civil Society Organizations and private sector. The main stakeholders are Ministry of Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation (MESTI), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MoFA), Forestry Commission (FC), Ministry of Land and Natural Resources (MLNR), Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSRI), Water Resources Commission, Energy Commission, National Development Planning Commission (NDPC), Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning (MoFEP), Hat of Foundation (HATOF), Water Research Institute, Friends of the Earth, Eco Planet Bamboo Ltd, Form Ghana Ltd and World Bank (Environment and Natural Resources). 

A coordinating mechanism/platform

There are several projects and programs, some on going and other in preparation in Ghana, which share the features of LDN transformative projects and programs. The five common features are: i) contribute to the achievement of LDN targets; ii) deliver multiple benefits; iii) scale-up what works; iv) enhance national capacities; and v) leverage innovative financing, including private sector. The coordination mechanism was established to implement the LDN targets cross sectors and LDN working group will ensure the oversight of this mechanism. The projects steering committees will monitor implementation and report backs to the LDN working group for decision making and way forward. 

Capacity building

Institutional weaknesses identified by LDN working group include: i) weak capacity for dealing with land issues, ii) inadequate trained manpower in sustainable land and water management (SLWM); iii) duplication of roles and responsibilities among institutions with, sometimes conflicting mandates for land management and utilization; and v) over-dependence on donor funds for in-country management of natural resources. The Opportunities for improving capacity of the institutional environment include; iv) benefits from training in SLM and LDN; ii) buying into the principles and processes of LDN to facilitate coherence of sector policies /strategies and mandates for enhanced coordination of SLM activities; iii) attraction of investment from local businesses and international funding sources and programme for SLM activities; iii) attraction of investment from local businesses and international funding sources and programmes for SLM activities. 


Since the development of Land Degradation Neutrality Target Setting Programme (LDN TSP), a partnership initiative implemented by the Secretariat and the Global Mechanism of the UNCCD, with support of the national, international institutions and Funding organizations. Partnerships in LDN implementation is very important to achieve Land Degradation Neutrality together will all the partners. The policy makers will closely work with technical actors and private sector to alleviate challenges of land degradation and attain the core objective of country neutral to land degradation by 2030. 

Key Milestones

Assessment of forest landscape restoration opportunities in Ghana

Our Vision

Ghana stands to gain from LDN’s multiple environmental and societal benefits, which help to address issues of land degradation such as food insecurity, income equality, poverty and resource availability. It further provides significant benefits for mitigation and adaptation to climate change by 2030.

Priority Interventions: 

  • Ghana's Northern Savannah Ecological zone forms part of the West Africa Sahel region and is highly vulnerable to environmental degradation and climate change due its geographic location and the dependence of its population on natural resources, rainfed agriculture and transhumance systems

  • This area was identified as one of the priority zones which needs immediate attention under the Ghana Strategic Investment Framework (GSIF) for Sustainable Land Management (SLM)

  • The area has rich biodiversity, which is threatened in many areas as a result of the loss of important ecosystems and habitats

  • Transitional and forest zones of Ghana are being threatened by mining, charcoal production and unsustainable agricultural activities

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World Vision International, Ghana introduced the Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) project In October 2009 with the goal of re-greening degraded land. The Australia funding project has so far supported communities and farmers to restore degraded


3 Resources
in Ghana

Forest for Africa conference, March 2016
View website
Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration, World Vision, Talensi District
View website
Guidelines for Forest Restoration in Ghana
View website